Word Count: 292
When Keith called me out of the blue and said it was time to turn in his single guy card, I thought he was kidding. All the memories we have made and shenanigans we have gotten into are too many to count (and if we admit to some of them, we might be in a wee bit of trouble!) What would I do without my best mate? Then he introduced me to Lauren. Lauren, whose sense of humor is as top notch as her looks! She jumped right in and made it clear that she loved Keith for so many reasons, including how dedicated he is to his friends. She has become a welcome addition to our circle of friends and I’ve never seen Keith happier than when Lauren is around.
Keith, I wish the best for you. [drizzle]Your friendship has been more important to me than you’ll ever know. To be able to put into words how inspired I am by you and Lauren – and sharing with everyone here the happiness I feel for you both – is a great honor. I’ve known you for such a long time. I wouldn’t have wanted to suffer through my teen years without my best friend saving me when I needed saving. I would never have survived college without my best friend giving me sound advice when the only thing I wanted to hear was “go ahead, what could happen?” And when we were sure we’d been caught pulling some boneheaded stunt, you stood with me, ready to face the music together.
So I stand with you today; only this stunt is the best one you’ve ever pulled. [/drizzle]My sound advice to you is to hang onto this one, she’s a keeper. Love to you both.