Good evening, everyone!
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], the very proud mother of the groom, and tonight, I have the unique opportunity to say a few words about my amazing son, Kai, and his equally amazing bride, Lira.
Now, I’ve been looking forward to this day for a long time. Not just because I get to see my son get married, but because I finally get the chance to share some of those embarrassing stories that every mother dreams of telling on a night like this. Don’t worry, Kai, I’ll keep it PG—mostly.
Let’s start with a little throwback. When Kai was younger, let’s just say he had a unique fashion sense. Imagine this: a cape, a cowboy hat, and a pair of rain boots… all at the same time. Yes, that was his go-to look for about a year. I was starting to worry that I’d be sending him down the aisle dressed like a superhero cowboy today, but thankfully, he’s grown out of that phase—mostly.
But in all seriousness, Kai has always been an incredible person. He’s kind, thoughtful, and one of the most loving people you’ll ever meet—qualities I’m sure Lira saw in him from the moment they met. Speaking of Lira, when I first met you, I immediately understood why Kai was so smitten. You have a way of bringing out the best in him—like making sure he’s on time, reminding him to wear matching socks, and helping him not lose his wallet every other day. You’ve been a calming, grounding presence in his life, and for that, I am endlessly grateful.
Now, marriage is a big step, and I have to admit, I wasn’t always sure Kai would be ready for it. After all, this is the same boy who once insisted that pizza counted as a vegetable because it had tomato sauce on it. But watching you both together, I see how deeply you love and support each other. And Kai, you’ve clearly learned a thing or two, because Lira looks happier than I’ve ever seen her. You’ve found someone who balances your quirks with grace, and that’s truly a miracle!
I do have some advice for you both, though. Marriage is a little bit like a long road trip—you’ll have smooth stretches where everything is easy and fun, and then there will be moments where you argue over the GPS, who ate the last snack, or who forgot to take out the trash. The key is to remember that you’re in it together, through all the twists and turns. And when all else fails, just remember: happy wife, happy life. (You’ll thank me later for that one, Kai.)
So, to wrap this up before I start getting teary-eyed, let’s all raise our glasses. Here’s to Kai and Lira. May your marriage be full of laughter, love, and a lifetime of shared pizza (preferably with some vegetables, just to keep it balanced). You two are perfect for each other, and I couldn’t be happier to welcome Lira into our family.
To the bride and groom—cheers!