Good evening, everyone!
First of all, I want to thank all of you for being here today to celebrate this beautiful occasion. My name is Lin, and I’m Wei’s mother. Tonight is one of the most special moments in my life, as I stand here, seeing my son marry the love of his life, Xia.
I’ve watched Wei grow from a curious, lively boy into the strong, kind-hearted man he is today. From his endless questions about the world when he was little to his determination in everything he does as an adult, Wei has always amazed me. He’s the kind of person who works hard but never forgets to be thoughtful and generous along the way.
When Wei first introduced Xia to us, I immediately knew she was special. There was something about her presence that felt so natural, like she belonged with our family from the very beginning. Xia, you are warm, gentle, and have this quiet strength that complements Wei’s energy perfectly. You two balance each other in the most beautiful way—like yin and yang, bringing harmony to each other’s lives.
In Chinese culture, marriage is not just the union of two people but the joining of two families. This concept has always been so important to us, and I feel incredibly blessed to see how our families have come together with such love and joy. Today, I don’t just see my son getting married; I see both of our families growing stronger, and that brings me so much happiness.
Wei, you’ve always made me proud, and today, seeing you standing by Xia’s side, ready to start this new chapter of your life together, I couldn’t be more proud of the man you’ve become. You’ve found someone who makes you a better person, who brings out the best in you, and I know that the love you share will only grow deeper with time.
Xia, I want to thank you for loving my son so deeply and for becoming such a cherished part of our family. You’ve shown him what true partnership means, and I know that together, you will face life’s challenges with grace and strength.
There’s an old Chinese saying: “执子之手,与子偕老,” which means “hold your hand and grow old together.” I’ve always loved this phrase because it captures the essence of what marriage is—walking through life side by side, supporting each other through every joy and every difficulty. Wei and Xia, this is my wish for both of you: may you always walk together, hand in hand, through every chapter of your life.
As your mother, if I could give you just one piece of advice, it would be this: always remember that love is about giving more than you take. Marriage isn’t always perfect—it’s about compromise, patience, and sometimes laughter, even in the face of challenges. But I know you two have the love and the strength to face whatever life brings your way.
So, to Wei and Xia, I wish you both a lifetime filled with love, happiness, and peace. May your marriage be filled with all the blessings that life can offer, and may you continue to cherish one another every single day.
Let’s raise our glasses to the bride and groom—here’s to your beautiful journey ahead.