Good evening everyone. I’m Richard, Emily’s father, and I can’t tell you how proud I am to be standing here today. They say a father’s job is to walk his daughter down the aisle without crying… Well, I’ve already failed miserably at that!
You know, it feels like just yesterday when Emily was running around our house in her Disney princess dress, declaring she was going to marry Prince Charming. Well, sweetheart, I’d say you did even better – you found James, who unlike Prince Charming, actually knows how to load a dishwasher properly… most of the time.
To those who know our Emily, you’ll understand when I say she’s always been… determined. When she was seven, she decided to teach our cat algebra. The cat never quite got it, but Emily’s persistence was remarkable. James, I see that same look in her eyes when she’s trying to convince you that your beloved collection of vintage video games doesn’t need to be displayed in the living room.
I’ll never forget the day Emily told us about James. She came home for Sunday dinner, and for the first time in her life, she was early – that’s when I knew something was different! She talked about this wonderful man she’d met, and her mother and I noticed something we hadn’t seen before: our strong, independent daughter was blushing.
James, I have to admit, when Emily first told me you were a software engineer, I had my doubts. But then you fixed our home WiFi in ten minutes – something I’d been trying to do for three months – and I knew you were the one! More importantly, though, I’ve watched how you look at my daughter, how you support her dreams, and how you make her laugh even when she’s trying to be angry. You’re not just the man who loves my daughter; you’re the man who deserves her love in return.
To my beautiful Emily – you’ve made your mother and me proud in so many ways. From your academic achievements to your career success, you’ve exceeded every dream we had for you. But nothing makes us prouder than seeing the wonderful woman you’ve become and the love you and James share.
Margaret, my dear wife, look at what we created – though let’s be honest, she got her brains and beauty from your side of the family! Thank you for being the most amazing mother and showing Emily what real love looks like.
James, a father’s hardest job is accepting that he’s no longer the most important man in his daughter’s life. But it becomes easier when he knows his daughter is loved by someone worthy of her. Welcome to our family, son. Though after helping me fix my laptop last Christmas, I think you already earned your place!
And to your parents, Robert and Susan – thank you for raising such a wonderful man. I look forward to many years of sharing embarrassing stories about our children over family dinners.
Could everyone please raise their glasses? To Emily and James – may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. May you always face life’s challenges together, support each other’s dreams, and never lose that spark that brought you together. And most importantly, may you be as happy together as Margaret and I have been these past 35 years – though hopefully with less debate about whose turn it is to take out the trash!
To the happy couple!